Indonesian specialties

Ayam Madu
Honey Chicken



  1. 500 gr Chicken Fillet

  2. 3 tablespoon Fish Sauce

  3. Honey Sauce:

  4. 2 cloves Garlic, minced

  5. 50 g Langnese Golden Clear Honey

  6. 3 tablespoon Light Soy Sauce

  7. Sesame Seeds

  8. 1 tablespoon Oyster Sauce

  9. Oil

  10. Garnish:

  11. Sesame Seeds

  12. Parsley

  13. Tomato

  14. Bahan

  15. 500gr Ayam Filet

  16. 3 sdm Kecap Ikan

  17. Saus Madu:

  18. 2 siung Bawang Putih, cincang

  19. 50g Madu Langnese Golden Clear

  20. 3 sdm Light Soy Sauce

  21. Minyak Wijen

  22. 1 sdm Saus Tiram

  23. Garnish:

  24. Wijen

  25. Daun Parsley

  26. Tomat


  1. 1. Cover the chicken with fish sauce. Let marinate for 30 (thirty) minutes to 1 (one) hour.
    2. Heat a frying pan. Cover the marinated chicken with maizena and fry the chicken until it has browned and cooked through. Set aside.
    3. Heat up some oil in a wok. Add the garlic and cook until lightly browned. Add the light soy sauce, oyster sauce and a bit of water. Once it has almost boiled, lower the heat and add the Langnese Golden Clear honey.
    4. Cook the sauce until it has thickened. Add the chicken that has been fried, ensuring that every piece of chicken is covered evenly in the sauce.
    5. Add the sesame oil and mix everything in the pan together once more. Serve with the garnish.

  2. Resep
    1. Campur kecap ikan dan ayam, aduk rata. Diamkan sekitar 30 (tiga puluh) menit sampai 1 (satu) jam.
    2. Panaskan wajan penggorengan. Lumuri ayam dengan maizena dan goreng sampai ayam matang dan berubah warna kecoklatan. Sisihkan.
    3. Untuk saus madu, panaskan minyak pada wok, masukan bawang putih, masak sebentar sampai harum. Tambahkan kecap asin, saus tiram dan sedikit air. Masak sampai mendidih, kecilkan api dan masukkan madu Langnese Golden Clear.
    4. Masak hingga saus mengental, masukkan ayam yang sudah digoreng, dan aduk sampai sausnya menutupi ayam dengan sempurna.
    5. Tambahkan minyak wijen, aduk sekali lagi dan siap dihidangkan dengan garnish.