Indonesian specialties

Dadar Gulung Pelangi
Rainbow Crepe Rolls



  1. Dadar Gulung:

  2. 250 gr Flour

  3. 1 tablespoon Maizena

  4. 2 teaspoon Salt

  5. 1 Egg

  6. 65ml Thickened Coconut Milk

  7. 2 tablespoon Sunflower oil

  8. 650 ml Water

  9. Red food colouring

  10. Green food colouring

  11. Yellow food colouring

  12. Apple filling:

  13. 1/2 kg Apple Malang, diced

  14. 75 gr Brown Sugar

  15. 1 teaspoon Salt

  16. 1 tablespoon Cinnamon

  17. Raisins, as desired

  18. Langnese Acacia Honey

  19. Bahan

  20. Dadar Gulung:

  21. 250gr Tepung

  22. 1sdm Maizena

  23. 2sdt Garam

  24. 1 Telur

  25. 65ml Santan Kental

  26. 2 sdm Sunflower oil

  27. 650ml Air

  28. Pewarna merah

  29. Pewarna hijau

  30. Pewarna kuning

  31. Isian Apel:

  32. 1/2kg Apel Malang, potong dadu

  33. 75 gr Gula Merah

  34. 1 sdt Garam

  35. 1 sdm Kayumanis

  36. Kismis, secukupnya

  37. Madu Langnese Acacia


  1. 1. Cook the apples with the butter, brown sugar and cinnamon on a low heat until the apples have softened. Add the raisins. Turn off the heat and sweeten the mixture with Langnese Acacia honey. Mix well, then leave to the side.
    2. For the crepe, add the flour, maizena, coconut milk, egg and salt into a bowl. Mix well until there are no lumps, whilst adding water slowly to the mixture.
    3. Separate the mixture into 3 containers. Add yellow food colouring into the first container, green food colouring into the second container, and red food colouring into the third container.
    4. Heat a pan (16-18cm). Add a bit of the yellow batter, green batter and red batter into the pan. Swirl the pan around so that the batter covers the surface of the pan. Let the crepe cook and place on the plate. Continue this step until the batter has been used up. Ensure to spread some oil or but-ter on the crepe to prevent it from sticking together.
    5. Fill the crepe with the apple filling and wrap the crepe. Serve with a drizzle of Langnese Acacia Honey.

  2. Resep
    1. Masak apel, mentega, gula merah dan kayumanis dengan api kecil sampai luna, masukkan kismis. Matikan kompor, tuang madu dan aduk rata, hingga rasa manis cukup, sisihkan.
    2. Untuk dadarnya, masukkan terigu, maizena, santan, telur, dan garam kedalam mangkok. Aduk sampai rata. Tuang air perlahan-lahan sambil terus aduk hingga tercampur dengan baik.
    3. Bagikan adonan dadar menjadi 3 bagian. Bagian pertama beri perwarna kuning, bagian kedua beri perwarna hijau, dan bagian ketiga beri pewarna merah.
    4. Panaskan wajan penggorengan (16-18 cm), tuangkan sedikit adonan kuning, hijau dan merah, goyangkan supaya dadar tipis. Biarkan sampai dadar lepas sendiri dan letakan di piring. Oles mentega atau minyak supaya tidak saling menempel.
    5. Isi dadar gulung dengan isian apel. Sajikan.