Chinese specialities

Lemonade with Honey



  1. 10g salt

  2. 5 lemon

  3. 500ml Langnese acacia honey

  4. Soda water

  5. Chinese:

  6. 食盐10g

  7. 柠檬 5个

  8. 琅尼斯天然刺槐蜂蜜500ml

  9. 苏打水


  1. 1) Spread some salt on the surface of lemons and scrub ca. 2-3 minutes. Wash the lemons with clean water, then wipe them with a clean dry cotton cloth.
    2) Cut away the base of the lemons, and cut the lemons into ca.2mm thin slices.
    3) Take a ca.1000ml glass bottle and keep it dry. First pour a little honey onto the bottom, shake the bottle slowly until the honey covers the entire bottom evenly; Put the first bigger slice on the bottom, then pour another layer of honey over it, then another lemon slice, repeat the same process until the bottle is full with lemons, at last pour some honey on top, and cover the lid as tightly as possible, trying to keep no air inside.
    4) Wipe away the rest honey outside the bottle with wet tissue, then cover the lid and seal it up, put into refrigerator for 3-7 days.
    5) Take one or two lemon slices each time, can also add some ice up to taste. Pour into soda water, done!

  2. 步骤:
    1) 用盐在柠檬表面上搓洗2-3分钟。然后将搓洗过的柠檬放入事先准备好的清水中,洗净,然后再用干净的抹布把柠檬拭干。
    2) 用水果刀去蒂,将去蒂后的柠檬,切成约2mm厚薄均匀的薄片。
    3) 取一个1000ml玻璃瓶,确保瓶子百分百干燥。先在瓶底倒少许琅尼斯天然刺槐蜂蜜,摇晃瓶子,让蜂蜜铺满瓶底,选择最大的柠檬片放在瓶底的蜂蜜上,再往刚放入的柠檬片上倒入蜂蜜,如此循环。需要注意的是,蜂蜜一定要漫过柠檬片,彻底把柠檬片包住,直到柠檬片装满,最后加一大勺蜂蜜封顶,然后盖紧瓶盖。
    4) 最后放入冰箱冷藏保存3-7天之后即可开封饮用。
    5) 每次取一至两片柠檬及适量蜂蜜,置入茶杯中并倒入苏打水冲饮。可根据个人口味适量加冰;蜂蜜柠檬水大功告成!