Indonesian specialties

Pacar Cina
Chinese Porridge



  1. 100ml Coconut Milk

  2. 3 Pandan Leaves

  3. Salt, to taste

  4. 50g Sago Pearls

  5. Langnese Bee Easy Wild Flower Honey

  6. Bahan

  7. 100ml Santan

  8. 3 lembar Daun Pandan

  9. Garam

  10. 50g Sagu Mutiara

  11. Madu Langnese Bee Easy Wild Flower


  1. 1. Boil the sago pearls for 30 minutes until they have turned translucent.
    2. Cook the coconut milk on a low heat. Add a pinch of salt and the pandan leaves. Cook on a low heat until the coconut milk starts to boil, stirring constantly. Turn off the heat and set aside.
    3. Pour the pearls and coconut milk into a serving glass. Sweeten with Langnese Bee Easy Wild Flower.

  2. Resep
    1. Rebus sagu mutiara untuk 30 menit hingga transparan.
    2. Masak santan dengan api kecil. Tambahkan garam dan daun pandan. Aduk perlahan sampai ham-pir mendidih. Matikan kompor dan sisihkan.
    3. Siapkan gelas saji, tuang sagu mutiara kedalam gelas dan tuang saus santan. Tambah madu Langnese Bee Easy Wild Flower sesuai selara sebagai pemanis.