Indonesian specialties

Pisang Rebus Madu
Snow Banana



  1. 2 Plantain

  2. 250ml Coconut Milk

  3. 1 tablespoon Maizena

  4. Langnese Acacia Honey

  5. Salt, to taste

  6. 3 Pandan Leaves

  7. Black Sesame Seeds, to taste

  8. Bahan

  9. 2 buah Pisang Tanduk

  10. 250ml Santan

  11. 1 sdm Maizena

  12. Madu Langnese Acacia

  13. Garam

  14. 3 lembar Daun Pandan

  15. Wijen Hitam, secukupnya


  1. 1. Steam the plantains until cooked. Put to the side.
    2. For the sauce, heat up the coconut milk with the pandan leaves and a pinch of salt on a low heat. Add the maizena and cook until thickened.
    3. Cut the plantains as desired. Pour the sauce and drizzle with some Langnese Acacia honey. Serve with a sprinkle of black sesame seeds.

  2. Resep
    1. Kukus pisang hingga matang, sisihkan.
    2. Untuk saus, masak santan dengan pandan dan sedikit garam. Masukkan tepung maizena dan masak hingga mengental.
    3. Potong pisang sesuai selera, taruh saus santan, tuangkan madu Langnese Acacia dan taburkan wijen hitam.