You ask, we answer

No one knows honey better than our bees, but we’ve also gained some experience over the last 90 years. Here are our answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Do you have any other questions? Feel free to write us and ask away!

Frequently asked questions

What’s the difference between fluid and creamy honey?

The consistency of honey mainly depends on the composition of the natural sugars it contains and their ratio to the volume. If a honey has a lot of fructose, it stays fluid longer. However, if it contains more glucose, it will crystallize early after harvesting, which makes it creamy.

How long can honey be kept?

If you store it correctly (see storage instructions), honey can be kept indefinitely. Honey has even been found in burial grounds within Egyptian pyramids from the year 3200 B.C. and is still edible today. However, if it is stored incorrectly or for too long, it loses some of its nutritious content.

How do you recommend storing honey?

Honey should be stored at room temperature away from direct sunlight. Since honey will quickly absorb extraneous odours and water (it’s hygroscopic), it is best stored in a tightly closed glass container.

How can honey be made fluid after it crystallizes?

Over time, stored honey will crystallize and become solid. This is a natural process that has no effect on the quality. However, if you prefer your honey fluid, just warm it up carefully in a bowl of water. Make sure that the temperature does not exceed that of a beehive, namely 45°C, so that you don’t damage the heat-sensitive content of the honey.

How much do bees have to work to produce 1 kg of honey?

A bee has to collect about 3 kg of nectar to produce 1 kg of honey. To gather this much nectar, a bee has to visit up to 15 million blossoms, which means flying about 160,000 kilometers. In other words, a bee basically flies around the earth four times.

How can a beekeeper harvest single-source honey?

Bees will continue to gather nectar or honeydew from the same type of plant until they can’t find any more of them. It’s because of this consistency that honey farms can harvest single-source honey, such as lavender honey or acacia blossom honey. If they want to harvest lavender honey, the beekeepers place their beehives in large lavender fields. They watch the bees and they can recognize from their “pollen baskets” whether they’ve actually flown to the desired plants. There are specific pollen analysis techniques used to check whether honey is actually from a single source.

Is honey healthier than sugar?

Honey is 80% sugar, though it primarily consists of natural, nutritious glucose and fructose. These are absorbed easily into the blood and quickly converted into energy. Unlike conventional, refined household sugar, honey also contains some proteins, minerals and small amounts of vitamins. In particular, the enzymes and inhibins in honey make it a particularly nutritious sweetener.

From what age can children and infants eat honey?

Children of one year or older can enjoy honey without any problems. The intestinal flora and thus the immune system of children under one is not fully developed. Since honey is a product consumed in its natural state, it may, like other uncooked foods, in rare cases contain traces of Clostridium botulinum, which appears everywhere in our environment. These bacteria spores, which are harmless to adults, can cause toxic infant botulism in infants. That’s why children under 12 months of age should not be fed any honey as a precaution.

What is Langnese honey made of?

Langnese honey is a 100% purely natural product, an untreated food as made by the bees. Langnese honey is filled into the jars just as it is, without adding or removing anything. The German Honey Ordinance stipulates this and as a brand-name, we naturally observe the law.

How do I use the Langnese Bee Easy?

We recommend always holding the Bee Easy honey dispenser in a vertical position. This ensures that the seal remains clean right up to the last drop and the honey goes where it’s supposed to without having to spread it. We also recommend keeping the opening clean and removing any honey residue below the cap, so that the cap doesn’t get sticky. After you squeeze the Bee Easy, let some air back into the dispenser until it returns to its original shape before closing it. Otherwise the mechanism will no longer work and you won’t be able to squeeze out any more honey.

Why do I have sugar crystals in my honey?

Please note that the phenome of crystallization is a natural process of honey.

Almost every liquid honey has the natural tendency to crystallize. For most honeys the state of their thermodynamic equilibrium is the crystallized state. Depending on the rate of formation and growth of crystals in honey, it may take several weeks or months until the first crystals are visible. The velocity of crystallization depends on several parameters like floral origin, storage temperature, the presence of crystallization starters ( e.g. pollen) and others.

Thus, the process of crystallization as a natural phenomenom cannot be technically prevented in an all-natural honey, the velocity, however, can be influenced partictularly by the storage conditions ( constant temperature 18°C – 22°C) in a dry and dark place. (at temperatures above 25°C the honey may darken). Lower temperatures will increase the process of crystallization. Temperatures of 14°C or less are the basis for honey to crystallize faster.

What is the difference between the German and international portfolio?

The different portfolios offered by Langnese Honey stem from the various requirements of consumers and/or governmental requirements.

The international portfolio has been specially created to satisfy the demands of our valued customers throughout the world outside Germany, Europe and the USA, taking the different climate and transport conditions into consideration.

Does a different honey portfolio mean different honey quality?

Langnese Honey guarantees a high premium quality for all the different portfolios.

Is Langnese Honey raw, pasteurised or heat-treated?

Langnese Honey fully complies with the European Honey Directive and Codex Standard. It is not pasteurized or heat-treated.

Which honey is best for people with diabetes?

As a food producer we are not allowed to claim any health benefits for our products. If you have any questions about treating diabetes or any other disease, you are kindly advised to contact your doctor. Thank you for your understanding.