Indonesian specialties

Teh Rempah
Spiced Tea



  1. 300g Ginger

  2. 2 sticks Cinnamon

  3. 10 Cardamom

  4. 6 Cloves

  5. 3 bags Jasmine Tea

  6. Langnese Black Forest Honey

  7. 800ml Water

  8. Bahan

  9. 300g Jahe

  10. 2 batang Kayumanis

  11. 10 butir Kapulaga

  12. 6 buah Cengkeh

  13. 3 buah Teh Celup Melati

  14. Madu Langnese Black Forest

  15. 800ml Air


  1. 1. Boil the water in a saucepan.
    2. Add the ginger, cinnamon sticks, crushed cardamom, and cloves. Let boil slowly around 30 minutes, on a medium-low heat
    3. Place the tea bags into the mixture and let them steep for 1 (one) minute. Take the tea bags out.
    4. Pour the spiced tea into mugs. Sweeten the tea with Langnese Black Forest honey, to taste.

  2. Resep
    1. Didihkan air didalam panci.
    2. Masukkan jahe, kayumanis, kapulaga dan cengkeh. Biarkan mendidih secara perlahan untuk ku-rang lebih 30 menit supaya rasa maksimal.
    3. Matikan kompor dan masukkan teh celup selama 1 (satu) menit, lalu angkat.
    4. Tuangkan kedalam gelas saji dan beri madu Langnese Black Forest sesuai selara.